
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Similarities. Differences. Judgements.

What are your thoughts on me and my work?


  1. Dear Ms. Gish;
    We may not seem to have much in common at first glance, but I am confident that there is plenty to say about you. You have appeared in many films, more than I ever would have managed! I seemed to always play the darker predatory males, while you had always been preyed upon. I admire your work and how far you have come, especially since you grew up with your mother working and your father gone. I am glad to be able to compare myself to you!

  2. Why, thank you Mr. Schreck. I'm flattered.

  3. Ms. Gish I can start off by saying that I am jealous you had a good relationship with your mother. Although my life seemed put together it was not since my mother passed away when I was at a very young age. I am not very talented in the acting world so I can admit that I have no idea what it is like to be an actor, but I do commend you for being one of the greatest female actresses of the time period during World War One.

  4. Thank you Mr. Nash. I'm very sorry for the loss of your mother.

  5. Dear Ms. Gish,
    I admire your work on film. You are an incredible woman. Though your father was an alcoholic, you have still managed to be a very strong-willed woman, and I admire you for that. We both love the movies. I design theatres for a living! However, I do not know what it is like to perform myself. You are a very gifted girl and I hope we can start a good friendship together.


  6. Thank you Mr. Crane! I hope we can become friends too.

  7. Hello Ms. Gish. Well one thing we have in common is our name! Other than that we are both actresses. I think silent films were great. I, personally, was on Broadway much more than I was in films but you pulled it off with perfection. Yor are truely wonderful.

  8. Thank you Ms. Lorraine, I have to say the same for your acting talent! I am blown away by your ability to become a character.
